Get Rid of Skin Tags Under Breasts Easily with Home Remedies Using Baking Soda
Dealing With Those Pesky Skin Tags Naturally
We've all been there - doing a casual body scan only to find an unsightly skin tag staring back at us, whether under the arm, on the neck, or even around the breast area. Those fleshy little growths may be harmless, but they're still an annoyance many of us wish we could easily banish.
The Good News? There are affordable, natural home remedies that could help gently remove stubborn skin tags without harsh measures. Two kitchen staples in particular - baking soda and lemon juice - make for a popular skin tag treatment duo worth exploring.
What Exactly Are Skin Tags?
Before we dive into the remedies, let's cover what these bumpy nuisances actually are. Skin tags (called acrochordons for the medical folks) are small, non-cancerous flaps of tissue that can crop up virtually anywhere on the body. They're typically harmless growths that can vary in size, texture, and color but tend to have a soft, smooth, fleshy appearance.
While they can happen at any age, skin tags become increasingly common as we get older, especially if carrying extra weight. They also seem to run in families and may pop up more frequently with hormonal changes like pregnancy. Areas where skin rubs together provide ideal conditions for skin tag formation too.
What Causes These Little Growths?
The exact reasons skin tags develop isn't fully known, but experts believe several factors likely contribute:
- Genetics - For some, being prone to skin tags is simply in the genes passed down.
- Hormones - Fluctuating hormones during pregnancy, menopause, etc. seem to trigger skin tag growth.
- Friction/Skin Rubbing - The armpits, groin folds, bra areas and other sites of skin-on-skin rubbing are prime real estate for these bumpy visitors.
Fade Them Away with Pantry Staples
While usually just a minor cosmetic complaint, those annoying little skin tags are something most people want to permanently remove from their bodies. Enter baking soda and lemon juice! These two inexpensive, natural ingredients have powerful anecdotal evidence for gradually reducing and eliminating skin tags with time.
The citric acid in lemon juice is believed to help break down the structure of the skin tag, while baking soda has drying effects that can slowly allow the fleshy growth to safely fall off on its own.
Aside from this powerful DIY pair, other home remedies some people swear by for skin tag removal include:
- Apple cider vinegar's astringent effects
- The anti-inflammatory effects of tea tree oil
- Castor oil's ability to dissolve the skin tag gradually
DIY Isn't the Same as Dangerous
While these natural remedies are, for the most part, safe for just about anyone to try, you'll still want to be cautious any time you DIY skin treatments. If you do have any existing skin conditions or sensitivities, always consult with a dermatologist first.
You should also steer clear of using these at-home remedies if your skin tags are bleeding, growing fast, or if they seem to be changing in shape/color - those can be signs of something more serious and warrant a professional evaluation.
An Easy At-Home Baking Soda & Lemon Juice Treatment:
- Combine baking soda with a few drops of water to create a paste
- Gently massage the paste directly onto the skin tag(s)
- Allow the paste to completely dry for 15-20 minutes
- Rinse the dried paste off with warm water
- Apply fresh lemon juice directly to the area
- Allow the lemon juice to sit for another 15-20 minutes before rinsing
- Use this process 1-2 times a day consistently for best results
Be patient and consistent - skin tags will, for most users, gradually shrink down and fall off in a few weeks while using this natural protocol.
For particularly large, annoying or recalcitrant skin tags, it is a good idea to consult professional medical removal. A dermatologist can remove these growths safely using methods such as :
- Cryotherapy(freezing)
- Cauterization
- Excision with a sterile blade
- Laser removal
They can also provide the correct diagnosis as to whether the 'clusters of spots' are, in fact, harmless skin tags or are indicative of a problem with the liver or liver disease.
While, in most cases, merely a cosmetic complaint, don't turn a blind eye on any weird lumps or growths on your skin. Keep a close eye on them and take any concerns to your dermatologist for assessment and a treatment plan if necessary.
All in all, those annoying skin tags are usually nothing to worry about. But if they embarrass you, natural remedies like baking soda and lemon juice are a gentle, economical way to gradually dim them from sight in the privacy of your own home.
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