How To Get Rid Of Hair Dye Without Using Hard Chemical And Going To The Salon? 7 Way

7 Way To get rid of hair dye at home

Want to color the hair nicely for a ceremony? Or bored with the same color dye for two or three years? Whatever the reason, we will try to come up with a different look after a while. It is then necessary to remove the hair dye. Here are tips on how to remove blemishes without damaging your hair.

1. Vitamin C, shampoo, and hydrogen peroxide

10 to 15 Vitamin C Tablets Or use vitamin C powder if available. Then pour a little shampoo on it. This is enough. But you can add three teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide for quick results.

Apply this mixture to the hair color and put on a shower cap. After soaking for 45 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly. The acidity in the Vitamin C helps to reduce hair loss. Lemon juice can be used instead of vitamin-C.

2. Baking soda and shampoo

backing soda hair dye removal home made

Baking soda is a natural hair dye remover. Add the Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Shampoo evenly and apply it to the hair. Continuous use will remove the dye in the hair altogether.

3. Heat oil

You can take coconut oil or olive oil. Heat the oil and rub it on the hair and let it soak for two hours. Then apply the shampoo.

People with very soft, easily broken hair can bleach their hair if they lighten. So hot oil can be used to remove hair color without bleaching. Jojoba oil or baby oil can also be used.

4. Vinegar and hot water

Take Vinegar in White Distilled for this. Fill hot water in a tub. Pour a little vinegar in it. Get your hair drenched in it. You can see the dye in the hair disappear for a while. Then, shampoo and wash your head as usual.

5. Bleaching powder and shampoo

It can remove very thick hair. Mix the ammonia-free bleaching powder with shampoo. Apply it on your hair and apply it on the shower cap for an hour. Then water it well.

6. Sunlight

Even sunlight can dim your hair color quickly. Leave your hair in the sun for a while. The active hair will soon leave the hair.

7. Chlorine mixed water

Chlorine is combined in the swimming pool. When using a non-permanent hair dye, the color of the dye will decrease if the hair is applied in the water. But keep in mind that if you have hair in chlorine mixed water for a long time, it will dry out.
