The lowdown on Finasteride for hair loss

The lowdown on Finasteride for hair loss

Along with Minoxidil, Finasteride is frequently prescribed as a medication against symptoms of hair loss.

It’s an effective way of treating the signs of lost hair and has been around for a long time. You’ll likely want to know all the information possible before taking Finasteride.

Let’s look at what Finasteride does and what you can expect it to do for your hair loss struggles.

Finasteride 101

The most common form of application for Finasteride is in the form of an oral tablet, which should be taken once a day for as long as you want to continue fighting hair loss.

The medication’s primary activity is to block the DHT hormone from causing damage to your hair. DHT helps form male characteristics during our development but is also a contributor to hair loss. DHT is created when transformed from testosterone, but that conversion is hoped to be greatly reduced with Finasteride.

If your scalp is exposed to DHT, typically because of a genetic disposition passed on from your predecessors, you are more likely to lose hair as a result.

The medication looks to promote an increased anagen phase of your hair cycle, which is the time when hair is more likely to grow. This will subsequently reduce the telogen phase (resting period).

The Sons Finasteride tablet is effective in at least 80% of men when taken on its own, but you can increase those odds when partnering the medication with our other products. Check out the plans Finasteride is supplied here.

What to expect when taking Finasteride

The Norwood Scale measures the severity of your hair loss; if you’ve scored 2 or 3 on this chart, Finasteride is likely to be a great choice for you.

Unfortunately, results won’t appear overnight; the medication requires some patience and sustained use for you to reap the benefits.

After around 3 months of consumption, you might notice the very first signs of hair loss being slowed and maybe stopped. Don’t panic if you spot some hair being shed - this is normal and is supposed to happen.

At around half of year of taking the treatment, you should see more significant signs of the treatment working; this includes more voluminous and healthier-looking hair.

It’s after 9 or 12 months that the full effects of the treatment are likely to be on display. However, it’s unwise to stop treatment at this point because you might see the hair loss symptoms reoccur. Finasteride is designed for prolonged use and is healthy to continue taking for years.

Side effects are rare when taking Finasteride but not totally unheard of. These include bloating, erectile dysfunction, and problems with other medications you might be taking. If you’ve noticed any side effects happen because of Finasteride, stop taking it and they should go away. Speak to your doctor and our consultant for any queries.
