UK Immigration Law - Visa For Adopted Child

You may apply for a visa for adopted child or children if you want them to live with you in the UK. As for all who come to the UK legally, your adopted child or children must submit according to the Immigration Law requirements. This article shall explain briefly about the facts and steps on how you can be with your adopted children and what the UK Immigration Law requires of you.

The UK Immigration Law visa for adopted child requirements:

  • Your requirements are; you are currently settled, lived in the UK legally and there are no limitations to you stay in the United Kingdom, you are entirely financially able to support your child in the UK, and you alone have access to the public funds.

  • Your child should be dependent to you, had not married or had a child of her or his own and the child should be below eighteen years old.

  • Your child was adopted while you, your spouse or both lived in the UK and settled there.

  • You have the parental right adoptive parents and the child was adopted due to the following reasons: financial trouble, single parent or working mother who could not carry on supporting the child.

  • You must have documents supporting the legal adoption of the child and no contacts whatsoever with the original family and the adoption is not a stepping stone to gain access to the UK for that purpose alone.

According to the Designation of Overseas Adoptions, your adopted child should be included in the list of designated countries to be able to enter UK. If your adoptive child’s country is not in the list, there is an option to apply for adoption in the UK courts. The UK immigration Law visa for adopted child also expressed that a child can usually stay permanently in the UK soils as long as they are in the designated country list. If not, your child can stay for up to a year until the courts decided to let your child stay indefinitely.

Be advised that there are required documents for the adopted child, so all the requirements should be met from the child’s country of origin. You child will enjoy the benefit of being a British citizen only if you or your spouse is a British citizen when the adoption took place.

According to the UK immigration law visa for adopted child, you must be financially capable to support a child. The Home office also requires parent or parents to send a copy of their financial statements stating that they are indeed capable financially. Only a British citizen can benefit from public funds and these should not be used to help support your child. These are the public funds benefits:

  • Income based job seeker’s allowance

  • Child tax credit

  • Income support and an social fund payment

  • Child, housing and council tax benefits

  • State pension credit and housing homelessness assistance

  • Carer’s allowance

  • Disability living allowance

  • Severe disablement allowance

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Source by Janet Grace

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UK Immigration Law - Visa For Adopted
