Remove System Defragmenter Fake From Your System

Multitudes of fake security applications are being released online constituting malicious codes in order to hack the system security centre turning the system behave abnormally. The foremost objective of these spam program is to destruct the security shield of the system and corrupt the entire system files along with creating multiple suspicious files that turn to freeze system process management completely.

System Defragmenter is of such illegitimate antivirus program that is widely being installed on the numerous network systems. System Defragmenter being a common spam bugs is engineered with smart mechanism so as to bluff the people and get installed into the system hijacking the vital information along with distorting the existing files folders inside the system.

The thread is found to be promoted by a well recognized virus application called Trojan that once installed in the system generates several wary files, triggering a number of fake alerts and fatal error messages from the taskbar window as follows:-

Critical Error

“Windows can’t find hard disk space. Hard drive error”

Critical Error

“Damaged hard drive clusters detected. Private data is at risk.”

Critical Error

“Windows was unable to save all the data for the file System32496A8300. The data has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware.”

These are just vague alerts attempting to deceive the user and not at all the issue of concern thus user is required to always avoid such warnings. Besides all the issue it even blocks the execution of executable files that user try to run on the system popping up the following strange messages:-

System Error!

“Exe file is corrupted and can’t be run. Hard drive scan required.”

Scan Hard Drive

Along with the blocking the system security applications and other associated firewall programs it corrupts the system registry database files with generating invalid entries in it that are mentioned below;-

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun “, [Random Character]”

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun “exe.exe

Being the vital component of the system files the corruption in the registry file turn to freeze the entire system function and file management turning the entire data unsecured. Thus one needs to remove Fake System Defragmenter from the system otherwise no files will be accessible to the user. As the Malware doesn’t contains any uninstall option in it so that it could be deleted from the system thus in order to get rid of System Defragmenter a proper anti-Spyware program is required.

There are few way outs that imply the System Defragmenter removal:-

• In case if system contains any antivirus program installed then primarily user is recommended to take a thorough scanning of the system files in order to track the infections that are encountered and if possible heal the issue using the application.

• Windows provides a system tool called chkdsk that is designed to cure the files in case if any infection is encounter in the files. Thus, run the tools to find whether System Defragmenter gets removed from the system or not.

If still the spam system Defragmenter doesn’t get eliminated then it implies that one need to have strong anti-Spyware program in order to remove System Defragmenter implementing advanced scanning mechanism. This third party anti-Spyware program once initialized tracks the entire associated files of System Defragmenter and eliminates them permanently from the system.

Along with the anti-Spyware program user would necessitate a PC care utility in order to clean the invalid as well as corrupted entries of the registry database file and cure the corrupted system files in order to repair and recover them preventing the data loss with complete system optimization.

Source by Sherlin Lindsay

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Remove System Defragmenter Fake From Your
