Fake Comments

How many time have you gone onto someone’s blog or YouTube channel and seen comments left like this

“From Jay

Wow this site is awesome and you’re so cool”


“From Ray

Great site really like it did you know you can find the next video at (insert video here) at www. Some random site that looks suspiciously like the URL of this site.com”

These are just a couple examples of fake comments. These types of comments are used for a number of different reasons. There used by those new to blogging who are frustrated that their blog is a month old with 20 or more posts and no comments. They want to start the ball rolling so they throw in some fake comments to try and get a discussion going.

There also used by advertisers not just on blogs but social media sites and YouTube to promote and advertise a product, band, or celebrity. Next time your one there look at some of the official channels of celebrities or bands and you’ll see thousands of fake comments.

So does this mean you should create fake comments for your blog, in a word no. It’s important to remember while posting these kinds of comments won’t hurt your standing with search engine rankings it can hurt you’re standing with your readers. The majority of fake comments I’ve seen are obvious and created with little effort, some sites simply copy and paste comments over and over again and just change the name or avatar. It’s also important to remember that the number of comments posted on your blog does not mean your blog is more or less popular; search engine rankings and traffic determine that. Focus on writing the best content you can and people will leave comments that will add far more value then fake ones.

Source by Gerald Thomson

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