Bing SEO Tips - What You Should Know About Bing Search Engine Optimization

Google has long been hailed the big brother of online marketing. Many internet users still have unflinching faith on this notion, but there have been some recent developments that have changed the equation at least to some extent. No doubt Google is still one super power but it will be unjust to ignore the growing search engines. They are sure to play major roles in coming days.

Google is likely to face steep competition from promising search engines like Bing. Bing is already claiming attention and the trend is likely to show positive changes in future.

If we go by dates, Bing is still a toddler, it was launched few years back and is already creating waves. Some analysts are placing sincere hopes on Bing and they predict that the entire search engine market of USA is going to be Bing’s kingdom. This will mean that Google is going to face a true challenge first time ever.

Before people place their trust on Bing, they are likely to be faced with some questions like – “What is difference in between running an ad campaign in Google and that in Bing?” “Is it the right time start adopting to the online marketing techniques required for Bing?” “Is there are any risk for those websites if they are optimized for Google?” And the final one: “What will Google’s step for countering these developments?”

The rules of the game are all set to change. Bing’s method of presenting search result and ranking pages is entirely innovative, it is nothing like the way Google and Yahoo function. Users are slated to experience a lot of change and the way search engines function will not be same again. Being different and effective is going to be the biggest strength of Bing.

It could also mean the revival of a trend back from the90’s era. Unlike present scenario, where optimizing a website for Google would mean winning a shot, in those days, ever search engine demanded separately optimized pages from online business owners. So, it could be the same again, there should be differently optimized pages for Yahoo, Bing, Google and some other search engines.

Experience the power with Bing only if you know the following tips:

  • Use older domains, Bing prefers them.

  • Make the titles impressive and attention grabbing. Bing does not value unimpressive and creatively poor titles.

  • Include details in the articles, preferring a word limit of at least 300 words.

Source by Kaushal Rohit Gandhi

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Bing SEO Tips - What You Should Know About Bing Search Engine
