Bible Study Curriculum - Restoration

In the bible study curriculum you choose for your small group you need to look for opportunities for restoration. There are people in your small group whose lives are broken and are in need of comfort and restoration. As the leader of the group you need to ensure that they are getting their needs met.

Before we can dig into how to be part of bringing restoration to the lives of those in your small group, I need to answer a question that I am sure is rattling around in your brain. “How can this guy no that people’s lives in my group are broken?” There are several reason why I know this is true. If you look at the statistics that exist that show the state of our world it is easy to assume that someone you are teaching bible study curriculum to is hurting and going through some form of brokenness. But more importantly than that, the bible teaches us that all of us have sinned and we know that sin destroys our lives. Therefore, on some level, everyone you teach is dealing with brokenness and is in need of restoration.

But how do we go about ensuring that this need for restoration is met? There is really one simple answer; you must be intentional about seeing that this happens. You need to look for opportunities to work the message of hope and restoration that God offers into the bible study lessons you teach. Do not worry that you might make someone uncomfortable or overstep some boundary. Just know that someone is experiencing pain and hurt and speak truth into the lives of the members of your group.

You also must take action and encourage others to take action. This may mean simply walking across the room and having an encouraging conversation. This could mean that you have to make sacrifices to ensure that someone’s physical needs are met. You might even have to open up your home so you can make the full commitment that is needed in order for someone to experience life change and restoration. Whatever it is you have to do or sacrifice, you need to be obedient and faithful to take action and see the work to the finish.

The big idea here is that your time with your small group is about far more than studying bible study curriculum. People’s lives are broken and God wants them to experience restoration. You as a teacher need to be a vessel that plays a role in bringing that restoration.

Source by Buck Baskin

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