Top 10 Ways To Help Your Kids Do Math Well

Math skills are essential for successful human life. Students who have sound Math knowledge are able to ace any related subject and do advanced Math courses. It is part of parental duty to help their kids hone Math skills from their elementary level of education. Parents can follow certain methods to help their children do Math well.

1. Understanding Mathematical concepts is an essential need for doing Math. Children should be able to understand what addition or subtraction is. By way of manipulation, parents can encourage children to understand Math concepts (like adding blocks to a pile of blocks and counting them).

2. Mastering the basic Math facts is an important thing. It helps children come out with quick answers. Helping the kids with flash cards containing basic facts is good for training them in learning Math facts. When the children struggle, they can lay out objects and solve the problem.

3. Writing numbers neatly is very important for solving Math problems. It lends clarity to the understanding of the problem without room for misunderstanding in numbers. Using graph papers for writing numbers and children tracing over the numbers written by parents are good practices to follow.

4. Help is a necessary factor in doing Math. Doubts would pop up at any time and children will find their sums mind boggling. Many a time, they have missing gaps in their Math skills. For example, when students lack in the knowledge of percentage, they find decimals hard to do. It is better to seek help through a tutor or the school teacher on such occasions.

5. Handling homework is a great issue in Math. Practicing worksheet problems and studying the text book would be of great help before children take up the assignment sums to do. They understand what they need to do and get some prior practice for it also.

6. Practicing more than the assigned problems is good. Parents can select more problems in the topic given and suggest methods to do them. This helps the children do their sums fast and develop confidence in their abilities.

7. Word problems are tricky part of Math doing. They need proper understanding and step by step approach. Parents can teach their kids to draw diagrams and pictures to visualize the problem. Reading the problem many times makes the children understand the problem better. Using small units of numbers in the place of larger ones will help the kids understand the requirement of the problem.

8. A sound understanding of vocabulary of Math is mandatory for doing advanced Math courses. Parents may ensure that their kids are able to define new terms in Math. If they struggle, parents can suggest simple problems and models for them to understand the Math term and define it.

9. Mental Math is beneficial many times for solving problems. Parents can make kids understand the value of mental Math and also teach them when it is appropriate for them to apply it in sums.

10. Encouraging kids to use Math in practical situations makes them learn facts with ease. Asking them to pay the grocery bill, spacing new plants with a certain distance apart are all good practices to make them understand Math facts without difficulty.

An online Math tutor suggests more methods and fun activities for making children do Math well.

Source by Sunil D. Kumar

Top 10 Ways To Help Your Kids Do Math
